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Structura Expansion: Charlotte, North Carolina
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It is with great excitement that we’d to announce the opening of our newest office location: Charlotte, N.C. We’re currently located in The Refinery Building,just outside the city center. Our expansion into this region allows us to extend our expertise from the Washington DC – Maryland - Virginia

Hodson House at St. John’s College Receives 2015 AIA Maryland Excellence in Design Award
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Structura is proud to have been part of the design team for Hodson House at St. John’s College, which recently received a 2015 Excellence in Design Award from AIA Maryland in the category of Institutional Architecture.

Park 7 Named a Best Real Estate Deal 2014
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The mixed-use, transit-oriented Park 7 development in Northeast DC for which Structura provided structural engineering services was named one of the Best Real Estate Deals of 2014 in the May 1 Washington Business Journal.

Park Kennedy Awarded Best Multifamily Development by the Washington Business Journal
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Completed in 2021, we were thrilled to see one of our favorite projects, Park Kennedy, recently awarded Best Multifamily Development by the Washington Business Journal. Structura partnered with GTM Architects on the design and construction of Park Kennedy.

Modena Reserve at Kensington Featured in Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal Best of 2021: Largest Multi-Family Project
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Featured in the Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal Best of 2021 for Largest Multi-Family Project, Structura was proud to be a part of the design and construction of the new Modena Reserve at Kensington. Collaborating with Antunovich Associates, McCaffery, Solera Senior Living, and Wohlsen Construction

July/August PE Magazine Article Features Structura Associate Jon Tung
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Adding to the media coverage of his work in Nepal, Structura Associate Jon Tung, PE is featured in the latest issue of PE Magazine.

Glasshouse at Station Square Wins the Presidential Award of Excellence from the Maryland Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)
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Structura was thrilled to see Glasshouse at Station Square win the Presidential Award of Excellence from the Maryland Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). One of our gorgeous projects working with the amazing team at Hord Coplan Macht, we congratulate them on winning this

Falling Green Wins Maryland Preservation Award
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The Maryland Historical Trust recently honored the Fallen Green house with a 2016 Excellence in Institutional Rehabilitation award.

DC Dream Center Featured on WUSA9
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Structura is proud to be part of the design team for the DC Dream Center which was featured on the WUSA9’s Faith In Our Town series on February 16.

Cooper Carry’s ASPIRE Magazine Highlights NASA Integrated Engineering Building
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Structura provided structural engineering services for the new NASA facility, the first phase of a 12-year modernization plan for NASA’s Research Center.